Flood alert for North Sea coast at Bridlington
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Strong easterly winds during high tides tomorrow morning are expected to cause overtopping waves and wind blown spray in Bridlington, which may lead to flooding.
Flooding is possible between 04:00AM and 08:00AM tomorrow, Tuesday 11/02/2025/
Areas most at risk are coastal roads and footpaths around Bridlington Harbour, Floral Pavilion, South Pier and the lifeboat station in Bridlington
This alert may be required for subsequent high tides later on Tuesday and Wednesday as well.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous.
This message will be updated by 8:30 AM on 11/02/2025, or as the situation changes.
Flood alert area: The North Sea coast from Bridlington to Barmston.
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