Flood warning for River Torridge (Lower) from Dolton to Bideford, including Taddiport and Weare Giffard
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Over the last 24 hours we have seen heavy rainfall in the North Devon area. This has caused the River Torridge to rise. Although water levels are starting to reduce, the river is forecast to remain high and flooding is still expected throughout Monday morning and into the afternoon. Properties and low lying areas in Taddiport (properties around Taddiport Bridge, Sewage Treatment Works and B3227) and Weare Giffard (riverside properties and roads), are at risk Flood waters may be deep and fast flowing in these areas. Residents are strongly urged to take action now. Remain safe and be aware of your local surroundings. We will be closely monitoring the situation today and this message will be updated as the situation changes.
Flood warning area: riverside locations and roads between Dolton and Bideford, including New Bridge, Beaford Bridge, Taddiport, Rolle Bridge, Weare Giffard, Annery Kiln, and the A386, A3124 and B3227 at Great Torrington and Taddiport.
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Latest levels
The River Torridge level at Weare Giffard was 2.95 metres. Property flooding is possible when it goes above 3.30 metres. Monitor the River Torridge level at Weare Giffard.
The River Torridge level at Dolton was 2.57 metres. Property flooding is possible when it goes above 2.80 metres. Monitor the River Torridge level at Dolton.
The River Torridge level at Torrington was 2.72 metres. Property flooding is possible when it goes above 3.20 metres. Monitor the River Torridge level at Torrington.
These levels will update automatically
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