Flood warning for Upper Frome from Maiden Newton to Dorchester
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River levels are high and rising again at the Stinsford river gauge due to the heavy rainfall from last night. Flooding is forecast to affect locations on the River Frome from Maiden Newton to Dorchester. Areas in Higher Frome Vauchurch, Frome Vauchurch, Cruxton, Notton. Frampton, Grimstone, Muckleford, Stratton, Bradford Peverell, Wrackleford, Charminster, Frome Whitfield, Wolfeton, Lower Burton and Cokers Frome are at risk. We will continue to monitor the situation and re-issue this Warning if necessary. Please avoid using low lying footpaths and any bridges near local watercourses and do not attempt to walk or drive through flood water. People in this area should take action now. This message will be updated by 12:00 noon on 26/02/2025, or as the situation changes.
Flood warning area: Areas in Higher Frome Vauchurch, Frome Vauchurch, Cruxton, Notton, Frampton, Grimstone, Muckleford, Stratton, Bradford Peverell, Wrackleford, Charminster, Frome Whitfield, Wolfeton, Lower Burton and Cokers Frome.
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Latest levels
The River Hooke level at Hooke was 0.24 metres. Property flooding is possible when it goes above 0.62 metres. Monitor the River Hooke level at Hooke.
The River Frome level at Stinsford was 0.66 metres. Property flooding is possible when it goes above 0.80 metres. Monitor the River Frome level at Stinsford.
The River Frome level at Maiden Newton was 0.63 metres. Property flooding is possible when it goes above 1.50 metres. Monitor the River Frome level at Maiden Newton.
These levels will update automatically
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