River Uck flood alert area
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20mm of rain fell on Sunday night (23/02/2025). River levels in Buxted are starting to fall. Minor flooding affecting fields and rural roads should subside. Minor flood impacts affecting fields will continue in Isfield. Only isolated showers are forecast on Monday and Tuesday. River levels are also beginning to fall in Isfield. The River Uck should return to normal by Tuesday morning. There is uncertainty, but a lot of rain could be possible on Wednesday, which could cause flood risk to return. Should the forecasted rain occur on Wednesday, flood protection products are recommended to be kept at hand in Buxted and Isfield, if you have them. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will reissue this message should flood risk return.
Flood alert area: River Uck and the Framfield, Ridgewood and Tickerage Streams.
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