Flood alert for Lukely Brook
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The water level in the Lukely Brook at Newport is high and rising. In the last 11 hours, 24mm of rain has fallen at Carisbrooke. This is a large volume in a short period of time. Currently, the river is near to bank full. From 06:30 this morning (05/01/2025) flooding may affect land at Vicarage Walk. We are not expecting impacts from the river at Carisbrooke. The river may also come out of bank from Old Westminster Lane to Hunnycross Way, flooding footpaths. Further heavy rain is forecast over the next 6 hours. If levels continue to rise, in the next 1 to 2 hours we may issue a Flood Warning, for onset of property flooding directly from the river. Vulnerable areas are Old Westminster Lane, and the Aquatics Centre at Vicarage Walk near Foxes Road. Our operational contractors will ensure the river is kept free of any reported blockages. We continue to monitor the forecast. At Vicarage Walk, we encourage residents living nearest the river to take action to protect their property. This Flood Alert will be updated at 21:00 on 05/01/2025 or sooner, if we think property flooding will occur
Flood alert area: Lukely Brook from Carisbrooke to Newport.
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