Flood alert for Bartley Water
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At Ashurst Bridge and Woodland Road (near to Hazel Grove), the water level is high and rising. In the last 18 hours, nearly half a month’s rain (26mm) has been recorded at Testwood. Over the next hour, out of bank flooding will affect land, roads and gardens at Woodlands and Ashurst. Impacts are not expected at Totton, Rumbridge or Eling. Scattered showers are forecast for the rest of the day. The water level will begin to fall by 14:00 this afternoon (24/02/2025). Property flooding is not expected. Our operational staff will work to ensure the river remains free of any reported blockages. In Ashurst and Woodlands, avoid flooded roads near the river, as flood water will be deep in some locations. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 on Tuesday 25/02/2025.
Flood alert area: Bartley Water from Fletchwood Copse and Bartley to Eling.
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