Flood alert for River Blackwater
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20mm of rain is forecast on Sunday night (23/02/2025). This follows 13mm of rain recorded at Romsey on Friday night (21/02/2025). If as much rain falls as predicted, flooding could be possible. From 06:00 on Monday morning (24/02/2025), the river may flood land, fields and road at Cadnam, West Wellow, Landford and Ower. Water levels could also be very high around the mill building at East Wellow. Tonight’s rain will clear the area by around 09:00 on Monday morning (24/02/2025). The rest of Monday is expected to be dry. The river level at Ower will peak during Monday afternoon (24/02/2025), and then will slowly fall after this. We continue to monitor the forecast. Our operations staff will work to ensure the river remains free of any reported blockages. Please ensure that pumps used to protect property are operating correctly. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 on Monday 24/02/2025, or sooner, if we think property flooding will occur.
Flood alert area: Landford to East Wellow and Wade Bridge on the River Blackwater, and Cadnam to Ower on the Cadnam River.
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