Flood alert for Tidal areas of Littlehampton Rope Walk
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Monday afternoon's tide at 12:30 on 18/11/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather, with light Easterly Force 3 winds and large waves. The weather increases tide table values by 0.31 m. The total forecast tide is 6.28 metres Chart Datum (3.23 mAOD) at Littlehampton. For 2 hours either side of high water, the tide could cause flooding to boatyards and the industrial areas along Littlehampton Rope Walk. Water will be high up slipways and could be forced up through drains causing minor flooding to roads. If the tide is slightly higher than forecast, following flood damage in April 2024, it could be possible for a small amount of water to flow through The Shipyard, and onto Rope Walk. Tuesday's early morning tide at 00:45 (19/11/2024) is forecast to be 17 cm lower (3.06 mAOD). Similar flood impacts are expected each high water until Tuesday 19/11/2024. We continue to monitor the forecast. If you have it, please install flood protection 2 hours before high tide. We will update this message by 18:00 on 18/11/2024.
Flood alert area: Rope Walk, Ferry and Bridge Road on the west banks of the lower tidal River Arun at Littlehampton.
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