Flood alert for Thorney Island to West Itchenor
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Thursday's early morning tide at 01:45 on 19/12/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.66 m. The total forecast tide is 5.19 metres Chart Datum (2.45 mAOD) at Chichester Harbour. For 1 hour either side of high water, the tide will flood Shore Road. At Bosham High Street, water will be near to or flood front door steps. Gardens or land of shore side properties around the Harbour could also be affected. Thursday afternoon's tide at 14:00 19/12/2024 is forecast to be 34 cm lower (2.16 mAOD). Strong winds and large waves are forecast for the next five days. However, as tide levels will generally fall over the week ahead, flood risk should reduce from Thursday afternoon, through to next week. We continue to monitor the forecast. If you have them, please install flood boards 1 hour before high tide. Avoid walking through flood water as it may contain hidden hazards and be deep in places. We will update this message by 18:00 on 19/12/2024.
Flood alert area: Coastal areas between Thorney Island and West Itchenor, including Prinsted, Nutbourne, Chidham, Bosham, Bosham Hoe, Dell Quay, Salterns and Ellanore Lane.
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