Flood alert for Langstone to Emsworth Harbour
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Thursday's early morning tide at 01:30 on 19/12/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather. The weather increases tide table values by 0.59 m. The total forecast tide is 5.22 metres Chart Datum (2.49 mAOD) at Portsmouth. Impacts will be relatively minor and confined to the immediate sea front. For 30 minutes either side of high tide, water will be high at South Street and Queen Street, Emsworth. The Ship Inn car park, Langstone will flood. Water will flow into the road at Langstone High Street, but flood depths will be relatively shallow. Thursday afternoon's tide at 13:45 19/12/2024 is forecast to be 35 cm lower (2.14 mAOD). No further flood impacts are expected. In Emsworth, we will lower levels in the Mill Pond. If you have it, and live directly on the harbour front, please install flood protection 1 hour before high tide. We will remove this message by 11:00 on 19/12/2024.
Flood alert area: Coastal area from Langstone to Emsworth Harbour.
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