Flood alert for Hayling Island
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Wednesday evening's tide at 23:30 on 29/01/2025 may cause flooding, as the condition of the shingle beach has been severely impacted by high energy waves. Winds are light Northerly Force 4. The weather increases tide table values by 0.07 m. The total forecast tide is 4.77 metres Chart Datum (2.04 mAOD) at Portsmouth. Tide levels are not overly high, this is a precautionary alert for 1 hour either side of high water, as waves may affect the beach at South Hayling. This could lead to some overtopping or spray affecting beach front gardens at Bembridge Drive, Meath Close, The Strand and Southwood Road. Thursday morning's tide at 11:45 on 30/01/2025 is forecast to be 8 cm higher (2.12 mAOD). Similar impacts to this evening's tide at 23:30 on 29/01/2025 are possible. We are liaising with the local authority response teams over the condition of the beach. Remedial works are planned for the coming weeks, ahead of the spring beach management campaign. Avoid South Hayling seafront at high tide. We will update this message by 18:00 on 30/01/2025.
Flood alert area: Coast around Hayling Island.
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