Flood alert for Groundwater flooding in Hursley
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Groundwater levels in Hursley are high and continue to slowly rise. In the last week, 14mm of rain has been recorded at Otterbourne. During this time, the level at Hursley has risen by 36cm. Cellar flooding and sewerage system impacts are expected to be becoming more widespread throughout the village. From today 10/02/2025 until Friday 14/02/2025, only small amounts of rain are forecast. Groundwater levels are expected to begin stabilising over the next few days. Cellar flooding and sewerage system impacts may become more widespread while groundwater levels continue to rise. Internal ground floor flooding will be possible if further heavy rain affects the area over the coming weeks. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. If you have pumps to help reduce water levels, please ensure that they are operating. This Flood Alert will be updated by 18:00 on Monday 17/02/2025.
Flood alert area: Areas at risk of groundwater flooding in Hursley in Hampshire.
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