Flood alert for Groundwater flooding in Pitton, West Tytherley, Nether Wallop and Broughton
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Groundwater levels at Lopcombe Corner are high and rising. In the last 4 weeks, nearly twice the normal monthly average rain (131mm) has been recorded at Broughton. In the last 24 hours, the groundwater level has risen by 58cm. From Wednesday 5/2/25, the Dun tributary will begin flowing towards Pitton and there could be some sewerage network impacts. In Nether Wallop, cellar flooding may affect 1 to 2 properties in the next 2 days. From today 3/2/25 until Friday 7/2/25, only minimal rainfall is forecast. Groundwater levels are expected to begin peaking before this weekend. If heavy rain does affect the area in the next couple of weeks, some ponding of water will affect gardens in Over Wallop, and land flooding could affect property in Broughton. Cellar flooding in Pitton and West Tytherley could occur towards the end of February. We continue to monitor the forecast. Please ensure that any pumps used to reduce water levels are working. Check local plans and, if safe to do so, check ditches are not blocked with debris. This Flood Alert will be updated by 18:00 on Monday 10/2/25.
Flood alert area: Communities at risk of groundwater flooding in the West of Hampshire and East of Wiltshire, including Pitton, West Tytherley, Nether Wallop and Broughton.
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