Flood alert for Groundwater flooding in Deane and Ashe in North Hampshire
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Groundwater levels in Deane and Ashe are high and continue to rise slowly. In the last 7 days, the weather has been dry. During this time, the level at Oakley has risen by 27cm. In Deane, cellar flooding is expected to be ongoing. Groundwater will be affecting the ability of septic tanks to operate effectively. From today 17/02/2025 to Friday 21/02/2025, only small amounts of rain are forecast, with up to 15mm possible across these 5 days. Groundwater levels in Deane and Ashe are expected to peak within the next 10 days. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. If you have pumps to help reduce water levels, please ensure that they are operating. We will update this Flood Alert by 18:00 on Monday 24/02/2025.
Flood alert area: Areas at risk of groundwater flooding in Deane and Ashe in the Upper Test catchment in North Hampshire.
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