Find river, sea, groundwater and rainfall levels

Showing levels within 5 miles of Tidal Thames from London Bridge to Hungerford Bridge.

Results for , showing river levels
Measuring station 1 hour 6 hours 24 hours
Measuring station Height Trend State
River Lee at Walthamstow, Low Hall Latest at 4:00am on 27 July 0.13m steady NORMAL
River Lee at Lea Bridge Latest at 4:00am on 27 July 5.87m steady NORMAL
River Pool at Winsford Road Latest at 4:00am on 27 July 0.08m steady NORMAL
River Quaggy at Manor House Gardens Latest at 4:00am on 27 July 0.01m steady LOW
River Ravensbourne at Catford Hill Latest at 4:00am on 27 July 0.09m steady NORMAL
River Thames at Hammersmith Latest at 4:00am on 27 July 0m rising n/a
River Thames at Westminster Latest at 4:00am on 27 July 0m steady n/a
River Thames at Tower Pier Latest at 4:00am on 27 July 0.35m rising n/a
River Thames at Charlton Latest at 4:00am on 27 July 0.74m rising n/a